Thursday, August 28, 2014

Week of 8/25/14

Take a look at what we did this week!
We learned about tools mathematicians use.
Counters can help us sort!
We learned about tools mathematicians use.
Unifix cubes can help us learn about patterns!

We looked at pictures and words in books!

We practiced morning expectations!
We learned how pictures can help us tell a story!

We used our ipads show our thinking!
We learned how to write in our Learning Logs!

We learned about characteristics of a good friend!

We learned all about letters and sounds!

Updates and reminders:
*Snacks are provided. If you would like for your student to eat a different snack than the one provided you may choose to send one in. It is completely up to you! 
*Each student received a special water bottle to be used in class this week. These will be sent home on Fridays to be washed, rinsed, etc. Please return this water bottle each Monday to be used throughout the week. 
*Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days!
*Class picture day on Wednesday, September 3rd!